Friday, 27 January 2023

The Abolition Institute's Work in Mauritania

 Based in Chicago, Sean Tenner has spent nearly 15 years as the president of KNI Communications, a communications firm that provides support to charities, foundations, and advocacy campaigns. In addition to his various winning political campaign efforts at KNI, Sean Tenner is the co-founder of The Abolition Institute.

The Abolition Institute was established with an objective of resisting modern slavery activities, specifically slavery in Mauritania, a nation in West Africa. In 2021 the Chicago-based nonprofit sponsored a U.S. State Department-funded journey to the West African nation. The party consisted of 15 Americans passionate about supporting efforts to end slavery in Mauritania at once. Senator Dick Durbin played a key role in securing in excess of $5 million in funding for The Abolition Institute, along with several additional programs centered on anti-slavery efforts in Mauritania.

The nation’s history of slavery, defined by the Bidhan or white moors’ oppression of the Haratine, or black moors, dates back to the eighth century. The country formally abolished slavery in 1981, but only criminalized the act in 2007. However, many politicians and law enforcement professionals remain lax when it comes to enforcing antislavery laws, with 90,000 or more Haratines still living as slaves.

The Abolition Institute trip to Mauritania in 2021 involved meetings with a number of anti-slavery leaders. With the help of translators, members of the party also had the opportunity to speak with ex-slaves.

Thursday, 19 January 2023

UN Recommends Measures to Combat Slavery in Mauritania

 As president of Chicago, Illinois-based KNI Communications since 2008, Sean Tenner provides consulting services to political campaigns and nonprofits working on public health and human rights concerns to achieve ground-breaking legislation. Sean Tenner, a co-founder of the Abolition Institute, has also secured federal funding to combat slavery in Mauritania.

Slavery has been criminalized in Mauritania since 2007, but the official decree has not been effectively enforced. As Black Moors remained subject to slavery in Mauritania, the need for anti-slavery measures in Mauritania headlined multiple international articles.

The United Nations (UN) is one of the intergovernmental organizations that participated in the discussion. The UN recognizes notable anti-slavery efforts implemented by the Mauritanian government, including open slavery discussion) and also highlights beneficial strategies in this endeavor.

According to the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, Tomoya Obokata, the Mauritanian government should implement a strict legal system that ensures that perpetrators of the anti-slavery law are punished. Another suggestion is to promote open slavery discussion further and grossly support slavery awareness campaigns among the legal community, general public, and security forces.

Friday, 6 January 2023

Chicago Auto Event Poised to Raise Funds for Charity

 An accomplished advocacy consultant and campaign strategist, Sean Tenner serves as the president of KNI Communications, a Chicago-based communications firm that works with elected officials, organizations, and businesses to help them express their message to their audience. Sean Tenner is affiliated with Susan G. Komen for the Cure, an organization that is dedicated to advance the treatment of breast cancer.

The 2023 Chicago Auto Show “First Look for Charity” is scheduled for February 10, 2023, at the McCormick Center in Chicago, and is poised to mark another year of successful fundraising to support the missions of nonprofits like Susan G. Komen. First Look for Charity is a black-tie event that will be hosted preliminary to the public auto show. Guests at the event will view hundreds of new models of cars and trucks before these vehicles are displayed at the Chicago Auto Show. Through their tickets, guests will also enjoy pre-event VIP sections that offer private coat check, silent auctioning, and personalized entertainment, among others.

First Look for Charity has given out up to $60 million in gifts to local nonprofits. Guests and members of First Look for Charity can also make additional donations to self-selected charities.

The Abolition Institute's Work in Mauritania

 Based in Chicago, Sean Tenner has spent nearly 15 years as the president of KNI Communications, a communications firm that provides support...